Finding Comfort And Efficiency In Delegation

Finding Comfort And Efficiency In Delegation

The major problem with delegation is that you have to develop a rhythm for how you delegate, the same way that you develop a rhythm for how you pay your bills or a rhythm for how you hire your staff or how you market your law firm. If you just kind of pinch-hit and do...
Crush Your Email Chaos

Crush Your Email Chaos

Email really does require a level of maintenance and I wanted to share the rules that I actually created around email, the email inbox, and why I constantly struggle with email. In this episode, we discuss: The email requires a level of maintenance. Setting rules and...
ABA Tech Show KPI’s

ABA Tech Show KPI’s

What are the KPIs we need to hit for our business? Today’s episode is a small overview of the presentation I shared at the ABA Tech Show in early March. In that talk, I discussed how we need to think about different questions we ask to optimize our business. We often...