Onboarding is necessary, but it is one of the things most people do not want to do. Learning the basics of onboarding can be the difference between hiring someone who works out miraculously or hiring someone who can’t get the job done. These five key strategies...
Steph Tuss is an extraordinary woman who took advantage of every opportunity she was given because she was able to live by the mantra, “just say yes.” She has a vast knowledge of business even though she didn’t come from an entrepreneurial background, and didn’t...
Shifting culture takes time. It’s not as simple as kind of going in, firing everybody and starting over again because, frankly, most of us can’t afford to do that. So, how do you shift the culture? Here’s what to do, and, especially, what NOT to do.In this...
Do you get the money and then hire the person? Or do I hire the person to make the money? Choose the former. Hiring the person to make the money is not just going to support your economic needs in the present, it is also going to fuel the growth of your law firm if...
Sometimes there are instances when we need to understand the authority we yield in our business as it relates to clients. But how do we use those communication strategies to manage your clients more effectively? I’m going to share the top three ways that a...