If you run your own law business, you need to change your priorities if you want to see sustainable growth. I created a video that explains how “Lawyering without Business Equals CHAOS.”
Where do Your Priorities Lie?
If you were to look at your calendar, what would you see? Are your days filled with court dates, appointments with clients, and time set aside serving your clients?
Your calendar is a good indicator of where your priorities lie. As a law firm owner, if you are spending more time in court than you are on business tasks, including marketing and sales, then you won’t be able to grow your business.
Get Comfortable with Your New Role: Business Owner
Owning your own law firm means that you are not just a lawyer anymore you are also a business owner. And as a business owner you need to learn to delegate tasks to others.
Where’s the Money Coming From?
If you’re thinking “I don’t have the money to hire someone” then you need to alter your mindset. If you own your business you have the capacity to grow your revenue. And if you start by delegating some of what’s on your plate to the person who is the lowest compensated person who can generate the highest value work. And this person, such as a paralegal can help you generate income.
Getting Things off Your Plate to Grow Your Business
Once you start delegating some tasks you can then add other tasks to your plate such as marketing, to help you smooth out that feast or famine cycle of finishing one case before you bring in a new client.
Systemize Your Law Business and Get Off the Rollercoaster
Consistent marketing and sales will help you get off the feast or famine rollercoaster. But you won’t see sustainable growth until you create systems in your law business. Establishing processes and policies that will move the needle of law firm revenue growth and profit will help your business to run with machine-like precision, even when you aren’t there.