
Our Events

Elevate Your Firm with Our Exclusive Events

Step into a world where unparalleled growth aligns with unmatched ease. At LFM, we go beyond merely hosting events; we meticulously create transformative experiences that reshape both your firm’s path and your legal profession. Let’s embark on this journey together, engaging in a diverse array of curated events. Our yearly calendar features a variety of gatherings, including Live In-Person Retreats, Virtual Implementation Workshops, and Interactive Webinars.

Virtual Workshops

We host several virtual workshops a year led by our expert coaches, tailored for specifically for solo attorneys and small firm owners. These workshops bridge the gap between aspiration and reality, all from the comfort of your office.


  • Gain hands-on, practical skills for the unique challenges of managing and growing a legal practice.
  • Access personalized mentorship from experienced coaches, offering insights to specific areas of your practice and business goals.
  • These workshops are designed to provide actionable strategies for business growth and practice development.

Live In-Person Retreats

Advance your law firm’s success at Law Firm Mentor’s in-person retreats, where leading business owners unlock the full potential of their firms. Elevate your operations, enhance leadership skills, and learn the cutting-edge tools to grow and scale your law business.

Engage in intensive, coach-led sessions that delve deep into the pivotal areas of sales, marketing, people, and systems. Our retreats are crafted to foster an innovative mindset, offering tools and strategies essential for modern-day CEOs.

You’ll embrace cutting-edge insights and develop action plans ready for immediate execution. With a focus on KPIs to track and drive progress, our program equips you to make informed decisions that will propel your firm forward.

Implementation workshops

Gain the practical growth you are looking for with our Implementation Workshops.. Tailored to meet the unique demands of your practice, these workshops provide a dynamic space for legal professionals to transform learning into tangible results. Here’s what you’ll gain:


  • Real-World Application: A clear path from learned concepts to actionable strategies for your legal practice.
  • Customized Solutions: Personalized sessions addressing the distinct challenges your law firm faces.
  • Collaborative Environment: Engage in a setting that fosters the exchange of innovative ideas and experiences.
  • Measurable Growth: Tools and strategies for not just immediate improvement but also long-term success.