Video Marketing: The Dawn of Lead Generation

Content marketing is everywhere, it has saturated every outlet and has seen the most success within the realm of Social Media. Consumers gravitate towards video content more than anything else. If you are unsure where to allocate your marketing budget, Video Content is the first place to start and is where you can expect the most return. In this episode I am joined with Mark Bullock, Co-Founder of Videosocials a video blogging platform for attorneys and other professionals. 

In this episode, Mark and I discuss:

  • The power of video marketing for lead generation
  • Using video to enhance the know, like, and trust factor
  • Overcoming the resistance to how we look and sound on video
  • Practice makes perfect-enough!
  • Choosing content that connects
  • The synergy between email and video marketing
  • Double your email open rates through use of video
  • Building your content library

Allison Williams: [00:03:08] Mark Bullock, welcome to the Crushing Chaos with Law Firm Mentor podcast.


Mark Bullock: [00:03:13] Thank you, Alison Williams. I’m delighted to be here.


Allison Williams: [00:03:16] All right. So I am being somewhat spoiled today because I get to have you on the podcast, because as you know, I’m a raving fan of your business Video Socials. And I talk about Video Socials all the time to my clients and to my community because I’m a firm believer in it. So shameless plug to anyone that knows me. You know, I don’t just promote products. I don’t get anything from the promotions that I tend to give. I really just believe in video as a concept. So we’re going to really talk a lot about video as a concept today. So the first thing I want to ask you, Mark, is, you know, tell us a little bit about how video can be used for the purpose of generating leads for a business, in particular, a law business.


Mark Bullock: [00:03:56] Great question. And I think, you know, the answer to that has changed quite a bit the last couple of years, hasn’t it? So the first foray that I had into video was probably 10 years ago and I was helping clients, you know, get some videos to put on their website so that they could use it for promotion. And you’ve got videographers and you’ve got cameras and you’ve got sets and you’ve got you know, if you’re doing it on location, it gets really interesting and it’s expensive, it’s time consuming. And basically you end up with essentially a commercial that, you know, what we’re used to seeing on regular network television. So we didn’t get involved in it all that much, frankly, just because I didn’t see that it was all that wonderfully valuable. And as social media has taken off now and we’re seeing just vast amounts of video going onto social media, we decided to try that out and it’s working really, really well. But the answer to your question is why video? And why does it work? Well, it’s because that’s what people are consuming and they’re consuming it on social media.


Allison Williams: [00:05:14] Yeah. So you say it works basically because it works.


Mark Bullock: [00:05:20] Well, you know, when it comes to marketing and advertising it’s always about how do you get your message in front of the people that you want to get your message in front of, the ones that can do something with it, either refer you the business or give you the business. And that being the case, where is your target audience? And for, especially for practicing professionals like attorneys, CPAs, these types of things. Their people, the people that they want to work with are on LinkedIn, Facebook, et cetera, et cetera. Fill in the blank. But all the various social media platforms and of course, on e-mail, which I definitely want to touch on today because it’s incredibly important video via email.


Allison Williams: [00:06:00] Yeah, absolutely. And so you mentioned social media. So I think it’s, it’s an important topic to cover, the fact that there is so much video on social media. But there’s also a lot of other data. A lot of content going on on social media. You know, we see social media linking to blog posts. We see social media as a means for a pay per click advertising to get leads generated off of a click. So what would you say to someone that asks you how to differentiate the value of video on social media versus other forms of maybe written content or even pictorial content on social media?


Mark Bullock: [00:06:35] So without jumping into all of the stats that around that, just because I don’t have everything at hand at the moment, but the fact of the matter is, is that, you know, there’s all kinds of studies that had been happening over the last couple of years. And the fact is, is that the vast majority of people that are on social media interact with and respond to video at a factor of considerably more than they do for just text or graphics, images, those types of things. If you think about it, video is the next best thing to being there, you know, so that that being said, people, look, we do business with people that we know, like and trust. So we’re, we’re not going to get there until there’s a level of familiarity and then getting to know, like and be able to trust this individual that I’m going to turn over my hard earned money to. That’s gonna help me solve a problem. So that being said, how did how did, how do we get there unless we can get them to come to us and sit in our office and have a conversation.


Mark Bullock: [00:07:50] Well, the next closest thing to being to being there, and in that conversation is video. Obviously, videoconferencing would be a live one on one. That’s optimal. But even that’s a huge step for people. So, your prospects, so they may not want to do that. So how do you get your message out there in a way that is going to have them actually get to see who you are, what your mannerisms are, what your facial expressions are like? What is it like to be in a conversation with you? Because consciously or not, in a lot of this is going on like subconsciously, you know, this is psychology, really, that when we see somebody and we hear somebody and we can see and see how they react to things and see what what they’re again, their mannerisms, et cetera, are, we get a sense of who they are and a sense of how comfortable we would be with them as an example. So. Video is to this point, short of virtual reality, I think is as close as you’re gonna get. You know, it’s not, it’s not live it’s Memorex, right?


Allison Williams: [00:08:57] Yeah. Well, interestingly enough, at the time that we’re recording this this podcast episode, our country, in fact, our world is being faced with a new experience. I’m not going to catastrophize it the way that I think the media is and people are talking about it. But the Corona virus and the fact that that is spread across the world. And so a lot of people now are having to adjust to having video as the mechanism for them to have the closest in-person feeling experience that they can have without actually having that that face to face meeting so there are, there are going to be whether we planned it or not, the benefits of people now having to use video and getting used to it. But assuming that that hasn’t happened yet, a person is not comfortable on video. They don’t like the way they sound. They don’t like their mannerisms. How would you advise a person like that to get into video as a means of reaching that target audience when they don’t think that what they’re going to say or how they’re going to sound is really going to come across in a positive way?


Mark Bullock: [00:09:58] So the best way I can answer that is to tell my story a little bit.


Allison Williams: [00:10:02] Oh, please do.


Mark Bullock: [00:10:03] OK. My story is a young man in my late 20s, early 30s and military background, working blue collar jobs, et cetera, was starting my own first business, which happened to be a tool and equipment rental business. And I realized I needed to do some marketing. I needed to be able to connect with people and communicate with people. And I had had no communications training and was terrified of public speaking. Somebody mentioned Toastmasters to me. I went to, went to a Toastmasters club. Got through my first speech. You know, literally dripping wet and bright red from nerves and just feeling like I was going to melt right there on the spot. And then I got some really positive feedback from somebody in the in the meeting. And fast forward that experience, I became president of that club, we launched three other clubs, et cetera. As time went by and here’s this, you know, quiet kid who just couldn’t get in front of an audience, you know, and now I was heading that particular club and whatnot, and and to this day I’m still a little bit nervous. I often call myself a recovering introvert. I am much more comfortable with technology than I am with interacting with people in some circumstances, although that’s changing quite a bit of late.


Mark Bullock: [00:11:27] But. So when I when we when we created Video Socials, it was specifically designed for those that are not comfortable in front of the camera. We all have some level of camera shyness unless unless we’re just like extreme extroverts and, you know, the people who just loved, their whole lives are about being onstage and being in front of people. And that’s great. But that’s not the typical person and that’s not necessarily even the majority.


Mark Bullock: [00:12:00] So that being said, and as you said, with the Corona virus and everything else, it’s the imperative now is growing that. We really need to be on video, you know, as it as it stands now. How are you going to conduct business if you can’t be on video? Right?


Mark Bullock: [00:12:17] So we created Video Socials to be that safe place that they can come. And because here’s, here’s the way through it. Practice and experiment in a safe place. Practice and experiment in an environment and with people that are not there to judge you, they’re there to support you. They’re there to help you grow and learn and be able to do this. How are you going to grow and learn to be able to do it? By practicing. You know, the first, the first time we do anything. You’ve never played baseball before, you’re not going to walk out on the field and hit the ball out of the park. But if you don’t walk out in the field, you’re not even going to take a swing. If you can’t take a swing, then you’re never gonna be able to play baseball. So video blogging, as it were, back to your question. Really comes back to your willingness to step outside your comfort zone, but we’ve created a place that it’s safe to step outside your comfort zone rather than you doing a Facebook live when you’re really not comfortable in front of a camera. Are you doing something, you know, you going and spending a lot of money on bringing in a videographer or a video production company to do something when you can’t even imagine yourself being on camera in the first place. So. Set all that aside, come to a Video Socials meeting, come as a guest and, and and check it out. And across the board, everybody that’s been a guest so far pretty much has said how surprised they are at how comfortable they felt by the end. Not that they didn’t feel the nerves. We all feel the nerves. Those of us who are camera shy feel the nerves. There’s no, there’s no two ways about it. But that gets dramatically less with practice.


Allison Williams: [00:14:05] Yeah. So, you know, you said a lot there. A lot of very good valuable content. I just want to take it piece by piece. So the first thing that you, that you referenced that I think would help to give a frame to what you’re talking about is what is the experience of Video Socials. Can you, can you tell us a little bit about what the, what the company is and what one would experience if they were to join even as a guest, Video Socials.


Mark Bullock: [00:14:29] So a typical guest coming in, first of all, we do guest events, we have another one coming up. Tentatively scheduled for April 21st. By the time people hear this, it should be set in stone. But in the interim, it’s Video Socials dot net forward slash guests is the place to RSVP. And there’s, there’s no charge, it’s free. Come, come and take a look as a guest. So but as a guest for a typical meeting, and we have guests almost at every meeting. At a typical meeting is you’re going to join a Zoom room. And with a handful of other people, typically anywhere from 5 to 12 people, some of which you’re going to have experience in doing video blogging and some of which are going to be brand new to it. And we have a structured process by which we walk people through the recording process and we record each individual recording, creating a video for themselves and we give each other feedback. And the feedback, of course, is designed to be supportive and constructive, not, you know, critical.


Mark Bullock: [00:15:42] We are our own worst critics. We don’t need anymore. Thanks very much. So you’re in a Zoom room, which is, we affectionately call it Hollywood Squares or Brady Bunch, and with it, with a number of other people. Similar to going to a networking event, as it were, except that it’s not overwhelming. There’s not one hundred and fifty people in the room. There’s eight or ten. And. You’ve got the, you’ve got the undivided attention of those eight or ten people.


Mark Bullock: [00:16:15] And so that being said, we get to watch how other people present. We get to see what other people talk about. We get to see what mannerisms that they’re using. We get to see what their lighting is like, you know, what their, how their cameras positioned, you know, how they’re sitting in relation to their camera. These are all things that you would normally have to have a videographer available to you to help walk you through that. We help each other through. So we don’t have to have that level of professional help, as it were. And it’s a no stress. Take a shot.


Mark Bullock: [00:16:51] Consider it a practice. If it comes out, great. Wonderful. You’ve got a video to publish. If it doesn’t, then it’s good practice and you’re gonna get some feedback. Really, all the feedback that you want, if you, if you just want to know the one thing to keep and the one thing to improve and the one thing and whether or not you should post your practice, that’s fine. If you want, if you want more than that. We’re certainly able to provide you, provide you more detail. But it really is, you know. Fascinating to me just to see how social and how everybody’s becoming friends in all the, all the various clubs. And we have and we have a number of people that will end up, yourself included, will end up coming to different clubs during the week based on your schedule, et cetera. So you may be seeing people that you haven’t seen in weeks or months or have never met at all.


Mark Bullock: [00:17:43] And so there is a, there’s a considerable amount of very valuable networking that that happens as well.


Allison Williams: [00:17:49] Yeah, well, a definite I definitely can attest to that, that, you know, you encounter a lot of different types of people, a lot of different types of professionals. And so there’s kind of a feeling of you never, you’re never quite in a, in a space where it’s you and your peers going through a process together. It’s always just a different group of people that you never likely would have contacted or been in contact with, but for the club. And you also mentioned earlier about the idea of practice. And one of the things I personally observed and I want you to talk a little bit about this is the progression of a person who is horribly timid and awkward and uncomfortable in front of video, evolving into a person who can get there and get to a point where it’s never the simplest, easiest thing in the world, but no one would know that but for our knowing them in the club. Right? When they, when they put their videos out there, people hear a person that’s just talking on video. And seeing that progression, I think is really profound. So talk to us a little bit about the psychology of that. How do people go from the first time they enter into that space not knowing what they’re doing, to where they are having post worthy videos, you know, pumped out every week?


Mark Bullock: [00:18:58] So it’s a brilliant question and it basically comes back to getting out of our own heads. So if we’re sitting talking to an inanimate object, called a camera, and we’re already nervous about it, as you said, whether, whether or not we may not be comfortable with the way that we look on camera or whether with the way that we sound or the clothes that we have to wear, or our background or whatever it is. We are our own, our own self critics.


Mark Bullock: [00:19:21] And we’re our own self critics in the fact that we are most self-critical and we have a hard time seeing ourselves from a different perspective. And I think that that’s one of the things that doing this in a social environment really gives us, because it gives us feedback and input from others that are going, you know, geez, I really screwed that up. And then I have seen this happen in the room. I felt like, oh, gee, I really screwed that, you know, that part up and that. And then the feedback in the room is unanimous. No, you didn’t. That was great. You know, it was a little bobble, but, you know, that just makes you human. And. Oh, please. Absolutely. You know, post, post that. And I would never post it if it was up to me, if I recorded the video and then I watched the video and then I would throw away the video. Right? Rather, rather than look at it from a perspective of, well, how do other people see me? Right?


Mark Bullock: [00:20:22] And it’s, it actually took me a while. We’ve been doing this for just over a year and I’m at hundred and ten or something like that, recordings myself. And it’s taken me a while to get to the point that I can be myself on camera. And I’ve got to tell you, it’s a lot of fun.


Allison Williams: [00:20:43] It’s a lot less work just to be yourself, isn’t it?


Mark Bullock: [00:20:46] It’s amazing. And and and the thing is, is how how did that happen? That happened via so many people giving me positive feedback for whenever they did see me being myself. You know what I’m saying, when I look off and start laughing or whatever the case may be and I stumble around with my words a little bit. It just has to do with my my own personal speech patterns. But there’s things I’m self-conscious about. They’re just, people, other people aren’t self-conscious about. They’re not self-conscious for me. Let’s put it that way.


Allison Williams: [00:21:23] There’s only one self. So,there you know, it’s very true. And I think the first time that I saw myself on video was, it was just at the start of launching my law firm. And I remember a person recording me, actually, I’ve had him on the podcast before. Marc Cerniglia and he put his video in front of me and recorded the video and I had no problem recording the video. But then he showed it to me afterward and I thought, oh, my God, it’s so obvious I sucked my thumb until I was 10. My lips were huge. My teeth looked crooked. You know, my my mouth is not moving in sequence. I mean, it was just, I was mortified. I literally had to, like, fight back the tears when I saw this thing that I thought was this monstrosity to reflect me. And I probably didn’t get comfortable with what actually seeing myself on video. It’s probably about two years ago. Up to that point, I would record videos and I would just hate them and say, as long as I don’t have to see them, fine. And to this day, people come into my law firm. They meet with my director of client services. And she says all the time, you know, people say, how did you get to us? Oh, I’ve been watching Allison’s videos for years. And so that means they’ve been watching the ones that I thought were old and crusty and unattractive and bad lighting and all that stuff. Right? Because they weren’t, they were not looking for the beauty queen. Right? And I think that that’s something that people really have to just accept who they are and know that who you are is going to show up whether you want to or not. You don’t get to substitute out a different body or a different face or a different voice for who you are when you are delivering your product or service. So it’s an important element of self-acceptance that I think people really have to get to. But there are a lot of people that aren’t there yet.


Mark Bullock: [00:23:08] And you’re absolutely correct. And and thank you for bringing up the way that you did, because you just basically proved my point. You need to practice. And I’ve been saying recently, if you can tolerate it, post it.


Mark Bullock: [00:23:24] So if you are going to sit in front of a camera and. Try to talk to it and expect that you’re gonna get some sort of feedback or you’re going to then watch that video that was recorded later on. What you’re seeing is what all of your critiques and all of your history in life brought to, brought to the screen and every age spot, every wrinkle. Everything is going to show up. And you just touched on it, though, Alison. That’s not what your audience is looking for.


Mark Bullock: [00:24:25] What your audience is looking for is they’re looking for the value in whatever it is that you’re talking about. They’re looking for the applicableness to their situation and they’re looking for answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. They’re not worried about whether or not you’re starting to get crow’s feet around your eyes. They just aren’t.


Mark Bullock: [00:24:45] So if you can sit down with a client, another human being, and have a face to face conversation, you can do video. I promise you, you can. It really is just a matter of doing it and doing and again, doing it in a safe environment and doing it in a place where you can hear from other people that it’s OK that I’ve got crow’s feet around my eyes and some age spots. You know.


Allison Williams: [00:25:13] We don’t talk about that in Video Socials.


Mark Bullock: [00:25:15] My beard’s white. You know? Whatever it is, carrying a few extra pounds, whatever it is. Right? The whole, the whole self image thing.


Mark Bullock: [00:25:25] But it’s us that holds, holds ourselves on that self image thing. Now should you come in a ratty, dirty t-shirt and your hair a mess? Of course not. You know, that’s. But are you gonna meet, are you gonna meet with a client that way? Of course not. So that’s the, that’s another lesson, by the way. You don’t need to wear your Sunday best. You need to wear whatever you would wear when you’re meeting with a client. That’s basically, and the other thing that I often coach people to do while we’re on the calls, is I have somebody that’s come on that’s very nervous and really apprehensive and even talking about, oh no. I don’t think I can do this, etc, etc.. I asked them to pick somebody on the screen. So we’re on a Zoom call. I ask them to pick somebody on the screen, preferably dead center on it, right underneath the camera and just have a conversation. Don’t look at, think about anything else. Just have a conversation with that person just as they were sitting across the desk from them. If you can have a conversation with another human being sitting across the desk from you, you can do video. It’s just a matter of practice.


Allison Williams: [00:26:31] I think that is such an excellent point, Mark, that the idea that, you know, if you make it into a conversation, right? And you make it into a conversation with either that mythical client or that mythical potential client, you’re going to be able to connect with that person, with whatever it is that you’re saying, because you’re not saying it, words on screen or words out of my mouth to the the flat screen in front of me. You’re saying it to whomever is the person that it’s intended for. Which, of course, then raises the next question, which is what to say. And I am surprised by the number of lawyers, psychologists, accountants, coaches, consultants that come to these Video Socials events. They have so many pieces of information to share. But I know when I talk to other people out there and say, just record a video and it’s like, what on earth can I talk about? So how do you like, how do you advise somebody? Somebody’s got to figure out, what, not only what to say. Like, I think most people know their practice area well enough to talk about the law. Right? But, what to say in a way that you, you get to the person that you need to. It’s a message that people want to listen to. It’s something that, you know, gets it, gets the interest that you want. Like, how do you do that?


Mark Bullock: [00:27:43] I think the answer to that is, it is also tied in with the end of your, the last response, which is don’t make it about you, make it about them.


Mark Bullock: [00:27:55] In other words, if your focus and your energy and what you’re talking about, whether it be sitting across the desk from a client or whether it be in front of a video camera. If what you’re focused on, what you’re trying to accomplish is focused on them, in other words, giving them information that they need and want. Giving them reassurances that they need and want.


Mark Bullock: [00:28:22] Then it gets the focus off of you, because the only time we can sit there and be self-conscious is if we’re thinking about ourselves. So what’s the answer to that? Stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about the other person.


Allison Williams: [00:28:36] That’s brilliant.


Mark Bullock: [00:28:38] Just focus on them. When you’re in a conversation with somebody, and it’s important. Right? It’s important. And you know, it’s important to them. And you care about them. Right? There’s no, there’s no impediments. There’s nothing in the way. You’re going to say what you’re going to say and you’re going to listen the way that you’re gonna listen because you have a genuine care and concern. So whoever’s on the other side of that camera just act as if they’re a really important person that you really want to help.


Allison Williams: [00:29:11] And then you might just have the opportunity to help them, right?


Mark Bullock: [00:29:14] Exactly.


Allison Williams: [00:29:15] So you mentioned earlier something that I think ties in very closely with video, which is emails. So we know that email marketing, you know, some people say it’s it’s it’s kind of past its heyday. Some people say, nope, it’s just as viable a strategy as it always was. Whether you have, you know, higher than average opening click through rates or you are just getting started and trying to figure out what to say. But we know that video enhances email. So tell us about the synergy between email and video.


Mark Bullock: [00:29:45] Great. Actually, I’m going to step back to one of your earlier conversations. They were saying e-mail was passe 10 years ago and it’s more viable now than ever. And why? Because people check e-mail for more than they’re checking social media. It’s actually more important than social media because it’s landing in their inbox. It’s not a maybe they’ll see it in their feed. Maybe they won’t. It’s going to land in their inbox. And irrespective of the open rates, which, by the way, nearly double if it’s if it has the word video in brackets in the subject line. By the way, there’s a little tip for your for your viewers. If you have a video and you sent it, and you send it out via email, please don’t send the actual video via email. Send a link to it. Don’t e-mail around videos. They’re too big.


Mark Bullock: [00:30:41] If you send somebody a link to your blog post that, that’s a video post or to your YouTube channel or whatever is that, that is video, if you put the word video in the subject line in brackets, it literally opens the double rate, or doubles the open rate. I had that backwards. So all, all that being said, it lands in their inbox whether they open it or not. Your name just showed up on their radar screen. And if whatever they’ve received from you before was a value, wasn’t overly self-promotional, wasn’t constantly trying to sell them something, or at least that, you know, that wasn’t the sense they got the sense that what you’re sending them is information that’s useful and valuable to them, educational for them. If that’s the case, it’s not a bad feeling they’re going to have when they see your name in their inbox. It’s a good feeling that they’re going to have.


Mark Bullock: [00:31:41] And we’ve seen the stats. People not opening for the first time that e-mail that you sent until a year, even two years later. In other words, they don’t delete it. They, it sticks around in their inbox until they go to clean it out. You know, two years from Sunday and they’re opening your e-mail for the very first time. They didn’t delete it. Why? Because they know that what they get from you is good stuff. That’s that’s that’s useful and valuable. It may not have been a subject that landed for them or that they felt it was urgent for them to to consume at the point that they received it. But that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t get it. And by the way, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t resend it.


Allison Williams: [00:32:30] Oh, God. Well, the re-sending, I think, is a very it’s a very key aspect here, because I think a lot of times we as non marketers will say, you know, because most lawyers don’t have a degree in marketing and don’t have that as their area of expertise. Right? I think a lot of times we feel like we don’t want to be harassed or we don’t want to be, have a pushy salesperson coming after us. And if you own a law firm, you get inundated with a number of people that do cold calls, that do walk throughs that that overwhelm you with the barrage of opportunities, quote unquote, that they’re offering you. So I think we get a lot of resistance around the idea of I don’t want to overwhelm someone’s inbox. I don’t want to send too many messages. And there’s a lot to be said for the fact that they’re not opening your messages anyway. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t still want them. Right? They, sometimes, you’ll have people that will just binge open, right?


Mark Bullock: [00:33:25] Yes. Yes. So. And. So it is a bit of a fine line in my mind. So I’ll give you an example of what I would do and what I wouldn’t do. And you have to. You have to justify for yourself what works, what, what would work for you. What I wouldn’t do is, I wouldn’t send out an email with X, Y and Z content, video, text doesn’t matter or what it is. And send that same email a week later to that entire that entire same list. Myself personally, I wouldn’t do that because I would feel like that was that would be literally, as you just talked about, just throwing too much stuff at them that, without paying any attention to the fact of whether or not they opened it the first time or not. What I would do is if I was on a regular content schedule, which is of course what we recommend because consistency wins in marketing. So when you, when you’ve got a library of content and you can take a look back three months, six months, a year and say, oh, this blog post, this video, this article that I wrote, etc is still good. Then ask yourself. OK, so how many people actually read it? The answer to that question is far less than what you’d like it to be.


Allison Williams: [00:34:56] Well, that’s true.


Mark Bullock: [00:34:58]  Of the people that read it, how many how many of them would remember that they read it from six months or a year ago? Right? So I’m all about taking that content and recycling it, and putting it out there again. If it needs a new introduction. Fine. If it needs to be put into a different context. Fine. But just because you produce something once, yea you put a lot of time, energy and focus and you remember it very well because of all the effort that you put into creating it. They may not remember it because it took them 30 seconds to skim it and decide that this is interesting, but I don’t have time for this right now. And so they set it aside. And if you don’t send it to them again, they will, it will be gone. Not remember. And so it’s basically lost opportunity by not recycling the content, but doing it in a thoughtful way.


Allison Williams: [00:35:53] Yeah. You know, I think there’s something to be said for not just re-purposing. Right? You can always take something and create it in different forms so that it can be accessible to different people in different platforms. But, you know, I’ve said to people, how many of you have gotten an email from some company that you opted into something over the past week? And of course, everybody raises their hand. And I would say, how many of you have read a message that you have heard before from that exact same company using the exact same words in the exact same images? And nobody raised their hand because while you might remember a message, if the message resonates with you, you’re going to want to hear it over and over again, because that’s what’s going to light you up. So the person that reads your message or sees your video and it consumes that piece of content when it’s repeated, you become you, you don’t just become an authority. You become the consistent authority. Right? Because you’re saying the same thing. And they start to give a level of trust to what you’re saying. So a lot of times people think I have to like top up what I’m saying and say it in a lot of different ways, in lots of different places. But the reality is, the person that read it on Facebook may not be the same target market who’s over on Twitter, which may not be the same target market. That’s it. That’s that. Seeing it as an image on Instagram and certainly not the same target market that’s on YouTube. So the opportunities for taking a video piece and re-purposing, recycling or reusing in lots of different ways proliferates your message. It makes you much more on the present and therefore much more viable in the marketplace.


Mark Bullock: [00:37:25] Absolutely. And, you know, kind of reading between the lines of the one thing that I completely agree with what you said, but the one thing that pops into my mind is, is that all the people that have heard over the years that I don’t want to go on such-and-such a platform. I don’t want to be on Facebook. I don’t want to be on Twitter. I don’t want to be on this or I don’t want to be on that. And the fact of the matter is, is, again, that comes back to what does this have to do with you? Are you trying to reach somebody or you’re trying to help somebody. Go where they are? (Right.) If they’re on Facebook, be on Facebook. If they’re on Twitter, be on Twitter. If they’re on Instagram, be on Instagram. Wherever they are, be there. If you’re, if you’re not there. You can cry, you know, cry all night long. Why aren’t, why aren’t they coming to me? Why? You know, I put it out there, but I won’t put it here and I won’t put it there. And I won’t send it in an email because I don’t want to bother anybody. Bother them!


Allison Williams: [00:38:23] I know. Bother them.


Mark Bullock: [00:38:26] Bother them, but bother them in a way that’s of value to them if they can be bothered.


Allison Williams: [00:38:31] There you go. I think that’s the perfect way of putting it. All right. We’re not, we’re not truly bothering people. What we’re doing is we’re educating them about how to reach us and how much we can, our service can benefit their lives.


Allison Williams: [00:38:42] So speaking of benefiting lives, you know, I have been greatly enhanced as a business owner through working with Video Socials. I have tripled the amount of videos that I produced in the relatively short period of time that I’ve been working with them. They’re a fabulous company and so I definitely recommend them. I don’t oftentimes explicitly recommend different people, but I do want to explicitly recommend Video Socials. Mark is a high integrity guy, as is his partner Vik Rajan. And I would really like everyone to know how to get a hold of you. So if you could, please let us know how to reach you. If someone wants to investigate Video Socials as a guest or to learn about the program and sign up.


Mark Bullock: [00:39:20] So Video Socials dot net is the website. Video Socials dot net. Forward slash guest is the page that will have whatever the current guest event that we have coming up that they can register for. Also on the website, you can just click on clubs and that, that can take you to, you can be a guest at any club. Just RSVP and put it, put in your name and, and, and come as a guest. Happy to have you. It really is that easy. If you want to, if you want to talk to us, you can certainly reach out to us individually. And I use Mark at Practice Marketing Inc dot com as my primary email address and Vik, I believe is Vik at Phone Blogger dot net. Phone blogger is our other primary service, and the company does, so, and this isn’t correcting, but just so that people understand. Practice Marketing Inc is our company, the service, the two primary services that we provide are Phone Blogger dot net, again has its own website and its own following, client base, and Video Socials dot net is our, is our new one, which is growing quite rapidly. Which is good.


Allison Williams: [00:40:41] Yes, it is. Absolutely. So I want to thank you, Mark Bullock, for being on the Crushing Chaos with Law Firm Mentor podcast. You, as always, have been a wealth of information. And for those of you out there that are interested in learning about video, obviously you’ve gotten a lot of great nuggets from Mark today. But Video Socials dot net. It’s a great resource. He is a great resource. So I definitely recommend that you check him out. I am Allison Williams, your Law Firm Mentor. Everyone have a wonderful day.


Mark Bullock: [00:41:10] And Allison, I just wanted to say thank you. I appreciate you having us on. And I appreciate the kind words and and I accept them because I know that they’re real. And because I know you’re real. And there’s, we have a lot of very impressive people that have been involved in Video Socials. I’ve worked with attorneys, CPAs, financial advisors, MDs, you name it, for decades now. And you’re one of the most impressive people I have run into in a long time. And I really do appreciate you. You’ve been very generous with your advice, with us and very generous with other members of Video Socials. You’re a supportive and encouraging, very intelligent, very having, having your act together kind of gal and really, really appreciate you. And thank you.


Allison Williams: [00:42:02] Well, thank you, Mark. That is, coming from you, that is quite touching. And I do appreciate that.


Mark Bullock: [00:42:08] You’re welcome, my friend.

Are you looking for a way to stay top of mind with potential clients & referral relationships? Contact Mark today to learn more. 

About Mark Bullock

Mark is the Co-Founder of and, along with his business partner Vikram Rajan.

Mark envisioned a decade ago to help practicing professionals to utilize what is now commonly referred to as “Content Marketing” to increase the results of their Word of Mouth marketing. He is honored to have assisted hundreds of clients build their personal brands and practices, through assisting them in becoming Branded Experts™ though publishing & promoting original content online, through their blogs, social media, and email newsletters.

Now with Video literally taking over the social media space, he and Vik have co-created a totally unique video content creation process, and rapidly growing community of video bloggers.

Utilizing innovative Video Conference technology, members come together virtually in small peer groups. These Thought Leaders (and Aspiring Thought Leaders) support and encourage each other in creating their own optimized original video content. is video blogging together, fun & done!


To contact Mark
