Owners Should Have Free Time

Whether you’re starting a new business or have had a law firm for years, there’s a common belief that business owners have zero free time.

Going out with friends? Spending time with family? Sleeping for eight hours? There’s no way business owners have time for any of that, right?

Think again.

In fact, many people who own law firms are still able to be with their families and friends, get a full night’s sleep and have time to spare.

So what’s their secret?

They create systems for their business!

What is a System?

A system is an organized or established procedure that unifies interdependent groups of items. You can create systems for every area in your law firm: email marketing, post-consultation follow-up, tax preparation and more. The goal?

  • To create more free time

  • To reduce independent thought— not independent judgment

  • To save energy for more complex projects

  • To establish the “ordinary course of [your] business”

How to Create a System

So you’re thinking “More free time? Sign me up!” But you’re not sure where to start in systemizing your law firm. Here are some starting points:

  1. List six major domains of your business: sales, marketing, people, workflow, facilities, and money management

  2. Define what and why it needs to be accomplished

  3. For every item to be accomplished, identify key responsibilities in each domain

  4. List necessary tasks for each responsibility

  5. Assign a responsible person and coverage person for each task

  6. Review process and add missing steps

  7. Establish periodic reviews of system

So, When Do You Change Systems?

Whether you hire additional staff or revenue increases, your law firm is bound to grow! This means you’ll need to modify your systems to the changes and keep your business thriving. But when should you change your systems?

  • If you hire more staff

  • If growth revenue exceeds 20% in given year

  • If critical employee leaves or changes positions

  • If responsibility shifts from one employment position to another (e.g., processing mail moves from receptionist to paralegal)

By creating systems, you can be a successful law firm owner and have plenty of free time. Having trouble developing your systems? Let me help you develop a system that’ll keep your business organized.